Paros: Kolimbithres Paros

Kolimbithres Paros: Paros Kolimbithres, beach in the island of Paros, Greece, Cyclades

Kolimbithres Paros, Greece. Paros Kolimbithres guide: information about tourism in Kolimbithres.
Hotels, apartments, restaurants, history, museums, architecture, maps, pictures,
info about Cyclades and Greek islands

Hotels Paros


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Paros Kolimbithres: Information about Kolimbithres, Paros



The greek-tourism tourist guide informs you about the restaurants, lodgings, hotels and businesses in Kolimbithres Paros.

We are choosing the best restaurants, lodgings, hotels and businesses bearing in mind these criteria as well as what the locals and the Internet visitors told us excluding our opinion for those hotels that we think the most of, and we recommend without doubt that you should visit them. In Kolimbithres you should absolutely visit.

About Kolimbithres Paros

The most famous beach is Kolimbithres where the blue transparent waters are in perfect harmony with the unique landscape, the sleek white rocks and the small creeks. We don't come across very often such a beautiful beach.

However, this scenery is covered during summer months because of the influx of hundreds of visitors who spend their day in the beach, fascinated by the natural beauty.

Now, if you have the chance to enjoy Kolimbithres without other people around with the only ornament the sound of the sea, you'll see a charming landscape that will be impressed in your memory for ever something that will be one of the most precious remembrances from Paros.




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Kolimbithres Paros: Paros Kolimbithres, beach in the island of Paros, Greece, Cyclades
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