General Info





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Lesvos is the green Aegean jewel located in the northeast side of the bay, an earthly paradise with healing springs and many beaches that charm the visitors with the perfection of their shape and their clear crystal waters.

A piece of land that was cut from Asia Minor and traveled in the blue waters of the Aegean Sea, a wonderful decorated ship like Stratis Murivilis has mentioned, which floats free and easy in the sea, Lesvos is the island of 1630 square klm, the third after Grete and Evoia

Small boats

The thousand square meters in combination with the endless forests offer a silver green color to the island with the shape of a leaf, as Odysseus Elitis has described it.

The island is the birthplace of some famous people of art and literature like the philosopher Theofrastos, the singer and guitar-player Arion, Sapfo and Alkaio, Pittako one of the seven wise men whose face was imprinted in many coins, and finally, the great painter Jakobidis, the Nobel prize winner Elitis and some other who made history in their own way.


|General Info| |History| |Excursions| |Beaches| |Civilization| |Map|
|Restaurants| |Cafe-Clubs |Shops| |Greek Tourism|