If you want to see by car
the area around "Alinton" you are going to discover two very beautifull
churches: The Church of "Agion Saranta" and of "Agiou Sofroniou".
There you are going to burne a candle and you are going to wish,
the moments on the island should never finish.
Many times you are going to hear speaking about the island, that
it was the choice of the goddess Artemis to build there her throne.
You should not stay only spectator of this story, but you should
go imidiately to the ancorage of Partheni, where supposely was
the Temple of the goddess.
On of the most beautifull trips you can go, is the trip to "Gourna".
You are going to meet there an ancorage, that includes in it many
nice placed small houses, with flower gardens, and also many taverns
that are waiting to satisfie your demands for good food.
The small church of "Agios Isidoros" is like a picture that jumped
out from a painting. We are going to reveal to you just one thing:
It is on a rock in mid-of the Eagean Sea. The rest you are going
to discover by yourself.
In the ancorage of "Mplefouti" you are going to find the peace,
the relax and full serenity. It is a small area wiht houses and
a clean sea, some taverns, that offer not only the tastfully food,
but also the story of theier owners. It is the right thing you
need for moments of relax and concentration.